Edited Books


As an employee [Staff or worker]

  • Does it seem like you can’t please your boss?

  • You never seem to be able to do what he/she wants.

  • You are working hard, but nobody notices how hard you work and all the things you do.

  • You have no life, almost no future except this job, and it seems like you may lose it soon.

As an Employer [Business Owner or Boss]

  • Do you have great ambitions and plans for your business, but the type of staff you have are slowing you down?

  • No matter how hard you try, your staff don’t understand your vision

  • You have skilled staff, but their attitude is zero.

  • You have staff who have potential, but don’t know how to bring it out.

I do understand the pain.

I’ve been an employee and I’m also an employer, and sitting on both sides has given me a lot of experience and perspective.

The truth is, none of us has a factory where we can manufacture human beings/ great employees, OR there is no place you can go to as an unreliable staff and come out squeaky clean and reliable, we have to be honest with ourselves.

Let’s fix the problem.

And that’s what we will do with this book.


In 10 years of battling Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a couple of things stand out. PCOS is described as the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. So common that 12-20 percent of women may have this condition. Yet, half of that number may remain undiagnosed. There is a gaping hole between women with PCOS and adequate information on this condition. Over the years, the misinformation or total lack of it is heart-wrenching and that lack has birthed the desire to contribute professionally as a Wellness Professional and as a woman who has lived with it and come out on the other side. This book, while demystifying the science of the role of nutrition and physical activity to the successful management of PCOS is also a testament that women with PCOS, like me, all over the world can re-write their story and triumph over their genetics.


The deep-seated longing in the heart of every woman is a life full of purpose, vision, and God-grade results. Yet we see God’s daughters experiencing varying degrees of barrenness, unproductivity, lack, brokenness, and hopelessness in their lives

Are you tired of hustling and bustling without tangible results? Are you fed up with the long seasons of waiting to birth? Do you want to step into unprecedented dimensions of fruitfulness, creativity, and productivity?

In the book, The Birthing, Ugonne Ann Okonkwo takes us on her God-led, transformational journey into a visionary life through her motherhood experiences.

In this book, you will

– uncover the mindset shifts required to release the season of motherhood.
– learn how to activate and enter into a birthing season.
– discover how to find, fuel, and birth your God-given vision.
– understand how to truly serve the world and co-labor with God in his divine plan for the nations.

The Birthing is a compelling invitation to explore your God-given superpowers, unleash your creative genius, birth your deepest dreams and serve the world with your greatness.